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Noni's Story

Enneagram 9 - Body Neutrality Advocate - Sun Lover

After years of growing weary of stubborn symptoms including mood swings, headaches, fatigue, food sensitivities, and PMS, I finally found true support & healing through holistic nutrition, tailored supplement support, and cycle awareness. Just a few months into this experience, I realized just how badly I wanted to help other women in the same way. 

As an FNTP & Birth Doula,love helping women end the vicious cycle of diet-culture, confusion, overwhelm, and complacency in their health journey.


I'm consistently humbled by our body's innate ability to heal and function properly if we simply allow it. Whole foods, sleep, movement, eating with loved ones, and humor can create powerful positive change in each and every one of us.

From cycle tracking and grocery shopping education to individualized week-by-week protocols, I'm here to help you feel good in your body as you prepare for pregnancy, childbirth, and beyond.


These days I'm living Athens, GA with my family and working with both nutrition & doula clients virtually and in-person. When I'm not working on my practice, you can find me on a stroll in my neighborhood, watching live birth videos, perusing vintage shops, or putting a slab of butter on whatever piece of food I have in my hand. 

Thanks for reading - now let's connect!

nonna nutrition

What clients are saying:

"Mentally I’m really happy with where I am, and that’s 100% thanks to Noni. She has helped me so much. I’m not missing a lot of the foods I was eating before, and I definitely have more energy."

- Anna W.

"She was so supportive and encouraging throughout the entire process. She took time to listen and understand what I was going through and what I wanted to achieve and was so knowledgeable and thoughtful with her approach."

- Jessica C.

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